Talks & Workshops
Note: The slides below are released under Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 License. You may download, share and modify the content for any purpose, so long as you give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.
Policy and philosophy of educational technology: Some reflections
During the weekly Friday Meeting on 15 March 2024, held at the IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay, Arjun and I shared insights from our participation in a course at TISS Mumbai titled 'Education technology- Policies and their adoption'. Our session focused on reflecting upon the policy of educational technology in India and the nature of educational technology from a philosophical perspective.
Qualitative interviewing
I facilitated a workshop session on 'Qualitative interviewing' as part of the 'Qualitative research methods workshop' at IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay. My session took place on the last day of the three-day workshop, on 11 March 2024.
Understanding teachers’ beliefs about technology integration
An invited talk session with the Digital Learning Solutions (DLS) project team at the Kotak Education Foundation (KEF), Mumbai, 24 June 2023.
Poster presenter at the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2023)
Attended the conference in person and presented my poster titled 'Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices of Technology Integration: A Case Study of Kerala (India) Teachers from an Ecological Perspective'.
The conference was organised by the International Society of the Learning Sciences, hosted in Montréal, Canada during June 10 - 15, 2023.
Speaker at the 30th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2022)
Attended the conference in person and presented a Doctoral Student Consortium paper 'Interplay of Cognitive, Affective and Ecological Factors Influencing Teachers’ Technology Integration Beliefs: A Contextualized Model'.
The conference was organised by the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education, hosted in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from November 28, 2022 – December 2, 2022.
Speaker at the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2022)
Attended the online conference and presented my paper 'A Tale of Two Teacher Trajectories: Analysing Change in Teachers’ Beliefs on Technology Integration during the COVID-19 Pandemic'.
The conference was organised by the International Society of the Learning Sciences, hosted in Hiroshima, Japan (Online event) during June 6 - 10, 2022.
Creating assignments and assessments on Moodle
An online workshop session with the Sub Lieutenant (Education) Course trainees at the Naval Institute of Educational and Training Technology (NIETT), Kochi, Kerala, 27 April 2022.